Duckett’s Grove Historic House and Walled Gardens Ticket Portal

FAQs / Help

Are dogs allowed in Duckett's Grove?
Dogs are not allowed in Duckett's Grove, with the exception of guide dogs.
Is there an audio tour available of Duckett's Grove?
Yes there is. It is available free of charge from the visitor reception point in Duckett's Grove. Hear the stories and meet some of the characters who lived and worked here for 250 years before the disastrous fire of 1933. Hear from William Duckett, his wife Maria, her daughter Olive O' Grady as well as Mr. Mitchell the steward and Mr. O' Brien the head gardener. Discover what life was like for the gentry and the people they employed to work for them.
Do you need to make a booking in advance to see the gardens.
No it is not necessary to book in advance to see the gardens. Prebooking for guided tours is required however. 
How long does it take to do the guided tour of Duckett's Grove?
It takes approximately 1 hour to take the guided tour of Duckett's Grove 
Is there a car park available?
Yes there is a car park available with free parking
Are disabled friendly toilets available?
Yes there is one disabled friendly toilet which is located in the courtyard 
Are there baby changing facilities in Duckett's Grove?
Yes there are baby changing facilities available located in the disabled toilet in the courtyard area